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Testing Web Components

This is a vanilla javascript project with Vite to test web components technology. Where I created a web components from scratch with styles. In another I use slots and templates. Lastly, others web components I tested how to handle events

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Starting Boa Astro

This is an web project with Astro to learn about Astro. Where I created a basic project with some components and routes. Also, I created a react component to test how to use other framework inside Astro. Finally, I create a template to create articles with Markdown

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Github React Vite

This is an web project with React to learn about Github Actions and test Tremor Library. Where I created a basic project with some pages, components and routes. Also, I created some components to test how works Tremor components

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Nextjs Blog

This is a basic Nextjs project to learn about Nextjs. How to use routes, dynamic routes, layouts, components, how to use images and links, Server Side Rendering, Static Site Generation, Errors Pages, Server API, and other things

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Platzi Store - Webpack Setup

This is a basic react project to practice how to setup a webpack project to use Typescript, optimize CSS and images, code splitting, chunks, use aliases, Hot module reload (HMR), different configurations for dev and production, and update dependencies

Colombia 2022 Implemented by Esteban Salazar with Nuxt. Design by Mely Rave . All rights reserved. Html5, CSS3 and Javascript icons by Icons8