I'm <Esteban
Software Developer
And frameworks
I am learning
I am a Computer Science Engineering graduate from the University of Antioquia and a software developer with more than 6 years of experience in Front End Development.
I have worked with agile methodologies like Scrum and SAFe with teams of different sizes. My work is based on perseverance, effort, responsibility and discipline, which is reflected in doing things to the best of my ability and always seeking to improve in order to obtain better results.
September 2023
June 2023
September 2020
July 2017
December 2016
Boa Payments is an application where you can list all your loans and debts. You can also register and track the payments to those loans and debts.
This project was created with Vite and developed with Vue 3, Tailwindcss for styles and design system, Firebase as backend, Pinia as state manager, Vue Router as router manager, Vitest for unit tests, Husky to handle git hooks and Storybook to see isolated components.
Boa Shoplist is an application where you can do lists for your purchases. For example a list for birthday gifts. You can add products, quantity and units to measure your quantity
This project was created with Vite and developed with React, Tailwindcss for styles and design system, Supabase as backend, Context API as state manager, React Router as router manager, and Husky to handle git hooks.
Star Wars Documentation is an application where you can find information about characters and different things inside Star Wars world. An example, it is the planets
This project was created with Vite and developed with Vue, Tailwindcss for styles and design system, Pinia as state manager, and Vue Router as router manager.
Feb 2023
In this article you will find a list of resources for devs, where you will see variety of tools for different objectives as animations, formatters, pages where you can find out inspiration for your designs, etc...
Read articleMar 2023
In this article you will find a compilation of issues that I have experienced while I learn, study, and work with React. Also, I will show you how I resolved that issues.
Read articleApr 2023
In this article you will find my opinion about Angular, Vue, and React. Some differences and similarities that I noticed. Strengths and weaknesses of each one. Finally some comments about the future
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