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Resources for developers

Created at February 20, 2023. Last update at April 27, 2023

Tools over a table
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This is a list of resources and tools that I have been using in my job as developer or I think that can be helpful. It will be updated each time that I find new resources.


To build CSS animations or prebuild animations


A set of resources or pages with APIs to use in your projects

  • Public APIs A page with a lot of APIs to use in your projects


A set of resources about design patterns and architecture


A set of web pages, libraries, and tools to work with Backend

  • fl{/} A site to deploy a backend app for free


A set of web pages, libraries, and tools to work with CSS


A set of webs and tools to help you with your designs

  • coolors A page to help you to choose a color palette for your projects

  • dribbble A page to get design inspiration of your projects

  • Landingfolio A page to get design inspiration of your projects

  • LOGO A page to generate a custom logo for your projects

  • penpot A tool to make the design of your project


You can find different webs with documentation of different technologies

  • CSS-TRICKS A site with a lot of articles about HTML, CSS and Javascript

  • DevDocs A site with a lot of documentation about different technologies

  • Questions for React Interview A git repository with a lot of answers to questions in a React interview

  • MDN Most complete and update documentation about HTML, CSS and JavaScript

  • MANZ.DEV A spanish site where you can find articles about frontend development

  • A site where you can find roadmaps to learn the different fields of programming


A set of web pages, libraries, and tools to work with Frontend

  • Frontend Mentor A web with a lot of projects to practice your frontend skills

  • Frontend Practice A web with a lot of projects to practice your frontend skills

  • iCodeThis A web with a lot of projects to practice your frontend skills


A set of web pages and tools to improve your knowledge about HTML

  • HTML Really A set of questions about Advanced HTML to measure your knowledge level about it


A set of webs with a lot of free icons for your projects


A set of webs with a lot of free images for your projects and tools to edit them

  • Pexels A web with a set of images for your projects

  • Storyset A web with a set of images for your projects

  • SVGOMG A tool to optimize and minify SVG files

  • A tool to optimize and minify all kind of images files


A set of tools and libraries to implement with Javascript


A set of webs and software for NodeJS development


You can find different webs or resources to build your presentations

  • Slidev A library to create presentations using Markdown

  • impress.js A library to create presentations using HTML, Javascript and CSS

Programming Logic

A set of webs with a lot of exercises to improve your programming logic

  • A site with a lot of Javascript exercises with different levels

  • devChallenges A site with a lot of exercises with different levels

  • edabit A site with a lot of exercises with different levels and for different languages

  • A site with a lot of exercises with different levels and for different languages

  • Javascript Algorithms and Data Structure A repo with a lot of explanations of algorithms and data structures in javascript

  • Refactoring Guru A site where you can find design patterns for developing and refactoring

  • The Algorithms A site with a lot of algorithms for Javascript


A set of webs, libraries, and tools to work with them in your Reactjs projects

  • Framer motion A library to implement animations with javascript on Reactjs

  • React DayPicker A library to implement a day picker on a Reactjs app

  • React Hot Toast A library to implement customizable toasts on a Reactjs app

  • React Router A library to implement routing on a Reactjs app. Also, it have some interesting methods to extend functionality

  • Sonner A library to implement a tooltip on Reactjs

  • Tanstack Query A library to implement a state manager that can be synchronized with backend on Reactjs app

  • UseAnimations A library to implement micro animations on a Reactjs app


A set of webs and tools to handle the SEO on your pages


A set of tools to help you to implement some features on your web apps

  • Dropzone A library to implement drag and drop in your apps

  • HeadlessUI A set of components without styles for your projects

  • A set of tools to help you on web development

  • UIBALL A web with a set of loaders for your web. You can use with only HTML and CSS or as a React component

  • UI Goodies A web with a set of resources for your web. Icons, images, fonts, illustrations, etc


Other interesting pages

That is all.

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